Samples are prepared onsite in our laboratory as finely ground or polished surfaces or in thin sections for examination with research-quality microscopes. 
Services include:
BS 1881 Part 211: Procedure and terminology for the petrographic examination of hardened concrete.   
ASTM C856: Standard Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete.   
BS 1881 Part 211 and ASTM C856 procedures are used to assess aggregate type (s), shape, condition, presence of deleterious materials/defects/nature of the cement paste, presence of HAC / mineral additions such as fly ash and GGBS, the degree of hydration/depth of carbonation/evidence of sulphate attack/frost damage/fire damage and some forms of chemical attack and alkali-silica reaction.
BS 812-104: Qualitative and quantitative petrographic description of aggregates.
ASTM C457: Air-void content - by modified point count method.